Zechariah 9

CLAIM: As Prince of Peace, Jesus will deliver Israel from all future wars as He establishes worldwide peace and prosperity under His leadership from Jerusalem. This prophecy may have had a partial fulfillment in the conquests of Alexander the Great (332 BC), and in Jerusalem’s deliverance in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes IV (167-165 BC), who pre-figures the Antichrist. The ultimate fulfillment of this passage will result in Israel never again suffering at the hands of an oppressor (v. 8).

red False.

This most likely talks about the historical context.  Obviously the King riding on a donkey was Christ.  Verse 8 could speak of the temple, but it would have to speak of a future temple.  But, yet, this could also speak of that which Jesus told Peter, that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church.  Even if this verse beholds a future fulfillment through either a third temple or the continuing church, a single verse does not make the entire chapter future.