Isaiah 40

CLAIM: All flesh will see the global unveiling of God’s glory and the Second Coming of Jesus. Prophetic messengers will be raised up to prepare the nations for the coming eschatological glory to the earth. This prophecy was partially fulfilled in the forerunner ministry of John the Baptist at Jesus’ first coming. It is clear however, that John was but a partial fulfillment, because in his ministry “all” flesh did not see the glory of the Lord together (v. 5).

red False.

The claim that v5 did not get fulfilled would not point to a future fulfillment, but a prophetic failure.  John 2:11 indicates that Jesus revealed his glory (all flesh), and His disciples believed.  John 1:14 also indicates that the disciples beheld His glory.  Certainly, since Joel 2:28’s “all flesh” is referring to not every specific individual but that it is no longer reserved for the prophets, this “all” here can certainly apply to those in Judea.  As well, Jesus systematically went through many of the towns of Israel, and many came to see Him, so His glory was clearly seen by “all”, and not simply a select few.  The road blocks created by this kind of debate are endless, and can always leave one running down rabbit trails.  It is also no wonder that there is some desire to include this passage as eschatalogical when it is the prophecy concerning the individual (the Baptist) on whom you pin much of your ministry upon.