Joel 2

CLAIM: The Antichrist will lead a military invasion against Israel in the Great Tribulation (v. 2). This crisis will happen in the context of the greatest outpouring of the Spirit the world has ever seen. Two phrases demand an end-time interpretation. First, in verse 2, the invading army is the most terrible army in all of human history (the Antichrist’s army). Then, in verse 28, “afterwards” signifies that this army will immediately precede God’s restoration at the end of the age. Joel 2:1-11 was partially fulfilled in three Babylonian invasions in 605, 597 and 586 BC.

red False.  Probably, at least.

Joel 2:28 was on the day of Pentecost, and all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  The other signs listed in the chapter were evident in the crucifixion of Jesus, those of which that most or all of the listeners were already aware of and did not need reminders of, that of a lunar eclipse, an unexpected darkness at noon day (not a solar eclipse, because the two eclipses cannot happen together), and other events.  So, certainly, the end of the chapter could be seen as fulfilled.

The rest of the chapter could be understood in the historical context of the restoration of the city of Jerusalem that Daniel was told about, in the course of the 490 years allotted to the people and the city.