Psalm 96

CLAIM: At Jesus’ Second Coming all the earth will worship Jesus with trembling. Singing a new song is referenced nine times in Scripture (Ps. 33; 40; 96; 98; 144 149; Isa. 42; Rev. 5; 14). In each reference, with the possible exception of Ps. 40, the scope of the song is global. It includes humanity and creation in context to Jesus coming as Judge of the earth. The new song (Isa. 42:10, Rev. 5:8-14) declares the new things (Isa. 42:9) before they come to pass, namely, the universal recognition of Jesus as Yahweh resulting in saints ruling with Him on the earth.

red False, in majority, at least.

This may have applications in the End Times, as we will do this in the Eternal state, but the exegesis seems inconclusive.  The Psalm, while it’s major focus is the current, both David’s Tabernacle and the church today, we must always be aware that God will speak what He will through these texts, and that certain portions will apply throughout history, as God seems fit.  However, the majority of this text does not seem to be eschatalogical, but rather praise.

Let all men, everywhere, in all times, tremble before Him.  And, may all worship Him in the beauty of His Holiness.  His beauty is without compare, and to merely utter His name is sacred.  Let all who come before Him come, as it were, without sandals, for it is holy ground when we come before His presence.

Surely, before his face, all the darkness and shadows flee away, and none is able to stand before His presence.

Who can withstand everlasting burnings?  Who is the man that can stand in that holy place?

There is no demon, nor work of darkness that can enter therein, for it is holy, and all that dwell therein are holy.

Let us find the abode of God, and make it our home.  Selling all that we might buy that field, let us own that treasure which is God most Holy.  Perfect in splendor.  Perfect in beauty.  Perfect in power.  And perfect in judgement.

Let all who come before Him bless His Holy Name.

All creation rejoices when He comes to judge the Earth.