2 Timothy 4

CLAIM: Many people will not endure sound doctrine in the End Times. Instead, hey will heap up false teachers who will endorse lifestyles of lust, in the context of false doctrines of grace. Many will turn aside from the truth. The coming of Christ is referenced by Paul three times in this short chapter (vv. 1, 8, 18).

white Indeterminate.

As with the last chapter, these most likely had their fulfillment Paul’s day, yet speak to our times as well.  As such, they are instructional, pastoral, and useful in all godly endeavors, but ascertaining whether they are prophetically fulfilled is not determinable based upon the text itself.  As to the references to the coming of the Lord, these are indeed true statements, however, they do not constitute an eschatalogical prophetic segment, but merely re-expressing the fact of our blessed Hope.